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Flexible security solutions
tailored to your organisation

Regardless of the size of your business or the industry in which it operates, Redscan can help you to elevate your organisation’s cyber security posture. Our flexible security services can be tailored to fully meet your needs and address sector-specific challenges.

Industry Solutions


Education providers are under pressure to act effectively against cyber threats and an experienced security partner can ensure they can defend themselves effectively.


The energy sector is a an attractive target of cybercriminals, so ensuring that high quality processes and systems are in place is essential.


Financial institutions hold vast quantities of high value data, making them a primary target for cyber-attackers. In the face of this threat and under increasing pressure from regulators, investing in the right security solution is vital.


With more consumers and organisations embracing digital transformation, more data than ever becomes accessible in digital formats and this creates new security challenges for organisations in the fintech sector.


To avoid a potentially devastating impact on public services and state security, local and central government must ensure that they have the right cyber security controls and procedures in place.


With many healthcare providers falling victim to cyber attacks, it is essential to take action to protect health records, detect and respond to the latest threats and prevent the disruption of critical health services.


With large-scale attacks impacting law firms, barristers’ chambers and other professional services firms, organisations in this sector must identify the best security partner to protect themselves and their clients.


The manufacturing sector is highly vulnerable to cybercrime, but the right support can help to significantly reduce the risk of attacks disrupting critical business operations.


As a digital-centric industry, the media is vulnerable to cyber-attacks, making it essential to work with a partner with proven expertise in the security sector.


A rise in the number of cyber-attacks targeting nonprofits means charities, foundations and trade bodies need to maintain public trust by strengthening cyber resilience.


While the security challenges facing the property sector are varied and complex, high-quality security expertise can help reduce the risk of financial, operational and reputational damage.


As cyber-attacks on retailers increase, it is vital for companies operating in this sector to take a proactive and informed approach towards protecting themselves and their customers.


Organisations in every industry sector use technology to improve efficiency and drive innovation and profitability, but the sheer pace of change can often lead to serious security considerations being overlooked.


With cyber threats are now a significant challenge for all types of transportation companies, a security strategy that incorporates the best of human and machine intelligence can help to mitigate the many risks.

Contact us to discuss your organisation’s security challenges