Cyber Security Assessment & Testing | Redscan
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Improve cyber resilience with regular cyber security assessments

Today’s cybercriminals will exploit any and all vulnerabilities to attack your organisation. Proactive identification of security risks is therefore essential to help protect your business and prioritise future security investments.


Redscan security assessments

Redscan’s cyber security assessment services are designed to help uncover weaknesses in organisation’s infrastructure, controls and processes before they are exploited by cybercriminals.

Penetration Testing

CREST-approved pentesting engagements help identify hidden vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, applications, people and processes.

Web Application testing

A specialist form of pen testing that assesses the security of web applications in order to identify vulnerabilities such as authentication, input validation and session management flaws.

Red Team Operations

In an intelligence-led Red Team Operation, our experts replicate modern adversarial techniques to test your organisation’s ability to detect and respond to a simulated cyber-attack.

Scenario-Based Testing

Performed by experienced red team ethical hackers, Scenario-Based Testing mirrors common cyber security threat scenarios to help validate the effectiveness of in-place controls and drive improvements to threat hunting, breach detection and incident response.

Vulnerability Assessment

Improve the effectiveness of your security management programmes by scanning your network to identify common weaknesses in your network infrastructure.

Social Engineering

Evaluate how your employees react to social engineering attempts by commissioning a simulated phishing assessment that leverages real-world approaches.


Achieve compliance with industry standards

Commissioning regular security assessments can help your organisation to meet the compliance demands of the latest industry regulations and cyber security standards, including:


Among the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation is the need for organisations that process any form of personal information to have procedures in place to regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of security measures.

The NIS Directive

Operators of essential services are required to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place to understand, assess and systematically manage risks to the networks and information systems that support these services.


Organisations that process payment card transactions must conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to achieve compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

ISO 27001

Ensuring that Information Security Management Systems are regularly tested for security vulnerabilities is a key requirement of ISO 27001.


Other security challenges

Our Services

Our award-winning services

Redscan’s security services are designed to provide the vital assistance needed to make tangible improvements to your organisation’s cyber security posture.

ThreatDetect MDR

Managed Detection and Response

Award-winning support to rapidly detect and respond to the latest threats 24/7

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Specialist engagements to uncover and address hidden cyber security risks

Assessment Services

Specialist engagements to uncover and address hidden cyber security risks

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A person choosing from a range of Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services

Expert help to manage and monitor your choice of security technologies

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