Cyber Security Challenges | Redscan
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Your Challenges

From mitigating the risk of cyber-attacks to achieving compliance with industry regulations, every organisation faces a growing range of security-related challenges. Discover how Redscan’s experts can help address your particular issues swiftly and affordably.


Identifying and Responding to Threats

Hunting for and shutting down threats is vital in detecting attacks early and helping to prevent financial and reputational damage.

Mitigating Cyber Security Risk

With attacks increasing in sophistication, mitigating cyber risks is a huge challenge that requires a multi-layered approach.

Managing Cloud Security

If your organisation is currently operating in the cloud or considering following the lead of many other businesses in doing so, it’s essential to ensure that your critical assets are well protected.

Testing Cyber Security Readiness

Understanding if your cyber security is vulnerable to the latest threats is pivotal to effective risk mitigation, making security assessments such as penetration testing and red teaming hugely valuable.

Protecting Against Malware

Malware, in its many forms, is an increasing threat to your organisation’s cyber security. It is important to have controls in place to detect and respond to related attacks before they can cause significant damage.

Investigating & Reporting Data Breaches

To minimise the risk of attacks and limit the significant damage and disruption they can cause, it is essential to have the ability to rapidly identify and respond to breaches.

Defending Against Insider Threats

Whether acting out of malice or negligence, insider threats pose a significant risk to all organisations, though many are failing to allocate the right level of resources to identify and respond to  them.

Tackling Phishing and BEC Attacks

Phishing attacks target organisations of all sizes and are increasingly prevalent, sophisticated and costly, so defending against them must be a priority.

Achieving GDPR compliance

Discover how Redscan’s services can help your organisation to achieve hassle-free compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation’s cyber security requirements.

Securing remote workers

Not only does the shift to remote working increase your attack surface, it also renders traditional network controls ineffective. Learn how to embrace the benefits of home working without negatively impacting cyber security.

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