Cyber Litigation Support Services | Redscan
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Go beyond evidence to insight with independent cyber litigation services

Whether you require help with responding to an investigatory matter, a forensic discovery demand or an information security incident, Kroll’s forensic engineers have extensive experience of providing litigation support to help companies win cases and mitigate losses.

With cyber litigation a growing challenge for organisations, being able to access high calibre expertise at the right time is increasingly important. Our experienced investigators can collect, analyse and present any form of evidence in order to deliver case-changing insights in litigation, arbitration or disputes. Many of our experts have considerable expert testimony experience in presenting findings to judges, juries and arbitrators.


End-to-end cyber litigation services

Our investigative mindset and proven track record make us a one stop shop for all aspects of a dispute.

Our cyber litigation services include:

Authoring declarations, affidavits and any expert reporting required

Undertaking independent compliance assessments

Producing customised reports on evidence collected and key investigation findings

Working with general counsel, senior executives, audit committees or outside counsel to explicate forensics data and meet objectives

Assembling a case file for a referral to a regulator or law enforcement agency

Expert witness support on almost any topic relating to digital information


Cyber litigation service features

Our experienced investigators can collect, analyse and present any form of evidence as experts to deliver case-changing insights in litigation, arbitration or disputes.

24/7 support and assistance

Should the worst happen, our experienced global team of cyber litigation experts are available to provide remote and on-site support around-the-clock, wherever you need them.

Industry-leading computer forensics expertise

Data is critical to the integrity of every cyber litigation case. Kroll's computer forensics experts ensure that no digital evidence is overlooked. They can assist at any stage of an investigation or litigation, regardless of the number or location of data sources.

End-to-end support

Our experts provide meaningful insights supporting every stage of the cyber litigation process, from initial investigation and intelligence gathering, data and device collection and witness interviews, forensic analysis, expert witness review and testimony and post-litigation actions.

Elite legal services

In the event of litigation or regulatory action, we can work closely with general counsel, senior executives, audit committees or outside counsel at each stage to explicate forensics data and assure your objectives are met. If requested, we can assemble a case file for a referral to a regulator or law enforcement agency or serve as expert witnesses.

Customised reporting

We can author declarations, affidavits, and any expert reporting required with a customised report on the evidence collected and key findings of the investigation.

Compliance assessments

We can also provide independent assessments of compliance with consent decrees, agreements, court orders, contractual obligations and other requirements.

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Cyber litigation support

Unrivalled legal and cyber security expertise

Kroll has the capacity and the track record to support the entire litigation lifecycle from collection and analysis to presentation and implementation. We can deploy remote solutions quickly and/or be onsite within hours.

We provide support for all types of cyber litigation around issues such as:

  • Data breaches
  • Employee theft
  • Data misuse by third parties
  • Personal data liabilities
  • Assessing liability
  • Class action defence

Cyber risk retainers

Flexible incident response retainers

To help your organisation respond faster and more effectively to security incidents, Kroll’s cyber risk retainer provides elite digital forensics and incident response capabilities on-demand. Kroll’s services are flexible and configurable to the needs of your environment, regardless of the technologies you use.

With a transparent pricing model to ensure you get value for money, a Kroll cyber risk retainer provides peace of mind that security and forensics experts are on hand to support incident investigation, notification, containment and remediation.

About Us

Why choose Kroll?

  • Flexible, on-demand services
  • Recognised by CREST and the PCI Council
  • Global team of cyber risk experts
  • >3,200 security incidents responded to every year

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Two Redscan team members analysing cyber security intelligence

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