The Redscan Platform | Threat Notification, Analytics and Reporting
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Supplying the notifications and insight your team needs to respond effectively

The Redscan Platform is Redscan’s proprietary customer portal. As the virtual interface between our Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) and your in-house team, The Redscan Platform enables us to comprehensively monitor your environments to identify and manage security incidents, and deliver the security outcomes you need – all through a single unified platform.

CyberOps incident displayed on desktop and mobile

How it works

01. Ingestion

The Redscan Platform collects telemetry from across your environments by integrating with your assets and underlying security technologies. This data is then analysed using the latest behavioural detection engines and enriched with threat intelligence to generate alerts.

02. Analytics

Proprietray algorithms within The Redscan Platform intelligently group alerts by common attributes to create high-fidelity ‘cases’. Cases enhance contextual awareness by providing a more comprehensive view of security incidents and reduce noise.

03. Investigation

The Redscan Platform presents cases to our 24/7 Security Operations Centre experts for analysis. Cases which are validated as genuine incidents are raised for your security team with accompanying mitigation guidance.

04. Response

The Redscan Platform’s security orchestration capabilities accelerate incident response by automating threat containment and disruption in a variety of scenarios. Response actions can be also be triggered manually from within the platform.


Technology agnostic

Whichever technologies form part of your service, The Redscan Platform ingests and aggregates all security alert information and presents it for analysis via a single pane of glass.

Alert enrichment engine

The Redscan Platform’s alert correlation and enrichment engine uses the latest threat intelligence to add greater context to alerts and help distinguish genuine incidents from false positives.

Swift incident notification

Once an alert is identified as being a true positive and raised as an incident by our SOC, The Redscan Platform generates a message to ensure that your team members are promptly notified.

Automated response actions

Integration with preventative security controls enables automated incident response actions to be triggered automatically or on demand at the click of a button.

Customisable dashboards

The Redscan Platform’s widget-based dashboards enable your users to view security information in real-time and measure key metrics to ensure service levels are being achieved.

Seamless workflow integration

Support for a range of ITSM tools enables security incidents raised via The Redscan Platform to be managed alongside tickets relating to other aspects of your organisation’s IT estate.


Seamless workflow integration

The Redscan Platform supports integration with widely used IT service management tools, including:

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Our Approach

Identifying genuine security incidents out of millions of alerts

The Redscan Platform’s automated alert correlation and enrichment engine reduces the number of low value alerts generated by security tools to enable security teams to focus on the ones that really matter.

Cyberops Approach


Events observed

A turnkey technology stack collects and analyses security events across your environment and generates alerts


Alerts generated

Alerts are ingested into The Redscan Platform where they are enriched with the latest threat intelligence and analysed by Redscan’s SOC team


Incidents investigated

Genuine security alerts are raised as security incidents for your attention, with actionable mitigation guidance. Automated response actions help quickly contain and disrupt incidents.


Actionable security insight

The information you need to quickly and effectively respond to security incidents.

Example Redscan Platform incident notification

Kroll Responder MDR

Reducing breach detection time from months to minutes

More about Kroll Responder

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