Cyber Security Compliance | Redscan
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In today’s heavily regulated landscape, organisations are under pressure to meet increasingly complex compliance requirements.

We work with you to help meet your responsibilities and demonstrate that you are taking action to protect your business, customers, stakeholders and partners.

A montage of compliance related security images


To support General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, Redscan’s cyber security solutions help organisations to safeguard personal data by identifying vulnerabilities, proactively monitoring threats and facilitating a swift response to incidents.

Data Protection Act 2018

Redscan’s services also help organisations to comply with the DPA 2018 – the governing UK legislation designed to implement data protection standards to the level necessitated by the GDPR.


We reduce the cost and complexity of meeting the lengthy list of requirements that affect any organisation needing to process, transmit or store credit and debit card payment information.

ISO 27001

Learn how Redscan’s penetration testing and incident management services can help you to improve your information security to ISO 27001 standards.

NIS Directive and NIS Regulations

The NIS Directive is designed to improve security and resilience across the EU. Learn how we help to ensure that operators of essential services and digital services providers have the necessary controls in place to minimise security risks.

NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSP Toolkit) is an online-self assessment tool that helps organisations within the NHS to benchmark their security against the National Data Guardian’s ten Data Security Standards (NDG Standards).

SWIFT Customer Security Programme

Learn how Redscan’s cyber security services help organisations introduce the security controls needed to meet evolving SWIFT CSP compliance needs.