2023 State of Cyber Report | Redscan
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Lack of trust was ranked as the biggest security concern in a survey that Kroll conducted of 1,000 senior cyber security decision-makers based in North and South America, APAC and EMEA.

Our findings, outlined in our new report and upcoming webinar, reveal a concerning inconsistency between organisations’ level of trust in their own cybersecurity status and their readiness to achieve true cyber resilience.

Download the report

Our report, 2023 State of Cyber Defense: The False-Positive of Trust, reflects our aim of understand the current state of cyber defense, levels of organisational trust, and how true cyber maturity links to trust in facilitating organisations to stay ahead of the curve in a constantly evolving threat landscape.

Respondents were from organisations with between $50 million and $10 billion in revenue, across multiple sectors.

The report highlights that, while security decision-makers place trust and confidence in their teams and technology to protect their organisations, many display an ‘over-confidence’.

Another key issue is that not all security leaders understand exactly what it is their security tools are protecting against. Most organisations are using multiple platforms for cybersecurity – with eight platforms used on average. Interestingly, the higher the average number of platforms used, the more cybersecurity incidents the organisations have experienced.

Download the report


Attend the virtual briefing

Attend the virtual briefing to hear from Kroll’s risk leaders on key findings and insights drawn from the report. During the session, our experts, Pierson Clair and Edward Starkie, will outline the current state of cyber defense, the levels of organisational trust and how true cyber maturity links to trust in facilitating organisations to stay ahead of the curve in a constantly evolving threat landscape.

Register to learn more about:

  • Why 95% of security decision-makers believe a lack of trust is ranked as the biggest cybersecurity challenge
  • Why businesses that have more security tools also experience higher numbers of significant security breaches
  • The dangers behind the majority of respondents trusting their employees’ abilities to avoid falling victim to a cyber incident (66%) above security teams and tools
  • The critical difference between what security teams are defending against versus what they believe their security tools protect them from
  • Country and industry breakdowns on the reasons behind distrust in an organisation
  • The complexities of trusting outsourced cybersecurity tools

We look forward to seeing you there. If you’re unable to attend, we’ll be sending a recording of the webinar to all the registrants after the session.

Register for the webinar