CyberThreat Report: April 2015 - Redscan
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cyber-threat copy In this quarterly report, we provide comprehensive statistics on the threat landscape and take a deeper look at some techniques that the criminals are using to gain access to enterprise networks including:

  • Web  malware
  • Email attachment – macro malware
  • Breaches to Slack and HipChat social collaboration services

30-percent-image By covering these threats in more detail, we hope that readers of this report can arm themselves with the knowledge and tools to better protect their organization and its data from the cyber criminals. Some highlight statistics from the report are:

  • Approximately 30% of email malware were .doc, .xls or docx (MS Office files).
  • 51% increase in phishing URLs since January1st 2015.
  • Spam levels down by 9.8%.
  • Dating formed around 40% of all Spam topics.

malware Applied Cyber Intelligence CYREN cyber intelligence powers the security solutions of over 200 of the largest IT and security technology providers in the world. As the security provider to the security industry, CYREN maintains the broadest and deepest real-time Internet threat database in the world and applies this cyber intelligence direct to Web traffic for customers through the CYREN WebSecurity product.