How much damage could an undetected attacker do? - Redscan
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Recent reports suggest attackers are spending a significant length of time on target networks before they are detected. The UK Government 2015 Information Breaches Survey points to an average delay between breach and detection of more than 200 days. The amount of damage this can cause is evident in daily news reports. It’s easy to see why cyber security is becoming a priority for senior executives. It’s also evidence that more attention needs to be given to detection of a breach within organisations – traditional preventative security strategies are proving to be incapable of guaranteeing safety from every attack. At Redscan, we feel that the first step a business must take is to acknowledge that a breach has already occurred or that it’s only a matter of time before one does. It’s impossible to eliminate all cyber security risks, so the ability to rapidly shut down a breach is imperative. Thankfully, perceptions within the industry are starting to align with our own. Executive teams are looking for a best practice approach to deliver reassurance and confidence that their critical assets are secure. They need to ensure that the right security infrastructure, people and processes are in place in order to limit the potential damage a determined attacker could cause should they gain access.

Red Teaming: A Comprehensive Methodology

Effective risk management from an information security perspective is a crucial cog of cyber security strategy. Similar to military war exercises, flight simulations or even fire drills, regularly rehearsing for a real-world cyber-attack is a core component of risk management and an effective way to not only prevent large-scale financial penalties and customer losses, but to prioritise investments across people, processes and technology. Knowing where to start can be challenging for a business. What data is accessible to a determined hacker? How are current security defences performing? Does the defensive team have the necessary skills and tools? How would they respond in the event of a breach? Red Teaming answers all of these questions, and more. It delivers a simulated real-world attack that assesses the impact that a breach might have and significantly improves the effectiveness of an entire information security programme. Few cyber security providers have the in-house expertise to deliver such a powerful service. This white paper will help you evaluate the significant value a Redscan Red Team engagement can provide to your organisation.