Redscan announces availability on G-Cloud 10 - Redscan
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Redscan has announced it’s G-Cloud 10 availability, promising offensive security for the public sector – London, UK, 2 July 2018


Redscan, the penetration testing, threat detection and response specialist, today announced the availability of its services on G-Cloud 10. Launched this month, G-Cloud 10 is the latest iteration of the Government procurement platform for cloud-based services, which was created to give SMBs a faster route to bid for public sector contracts.

The Redscan services to be listed are its CREST-accredited Penetration Testing and IT Health Checks; as well as ThreatDetect – a 24/7 Cyber Security Operations Centre-as-a-service for threat detection and incident response. Through these services, Redscan promises to bring its offensive approach to cybersecurity to the public sector in order to help organisations identify complex security risks, as well as detect and respond swiftly to breaches. It will also help Government organisations to bridge the skills gap during a global cyber security skills crisis.

“All organisations within the public sector are deeply concerned by cybersecurity threats. They need assurance that their systems are safe and secure, and that vital services are always protected,” said Gubi Singh, Chief Operating Officer at Redscan. “In the midst of a global cybersecurity skills crisis, in which the public sector can struggle to compete for the best talent, this is neigh impossible without bringing in outside expertise.

“No organisation can afford to sit back and wait for the worst to happen. Taking an offensive and proactive approach to security has become vital for protecting against today’s threats, since modern attackers have become so good at evading perimeter defences. The arrival of G-Cloud 10 coincides with increasingly devastating data breaches and the introduction of tighter regulations, such as the GDPR, and buyers may be searching for a more dynamic approach to cybersecurity threats.

“Redscan supplies the tools, expertise and high-quality service to make offensive security a reality, whether that’s penetration testing to detect hidden vulnerabilities, hunting for and investigating intrusions or coordinating swift and effective cyber incident response.”


CREST penetration testing and IT Health Checks (category – cloud support)


Redscan’s CREST approved penetration testing service helps organisations to discover gaps in their cybersecurity that could lead to them being compromised by cybercriminals. Following proven methodologies, Redscan’s qualified ethical hackers safely exploit identified vulnerabilities and help mitigate security risk by providing clear remediation advice.

Redscan employs the same cutting-edge hacking tools, exploits and techniques of real world hackers, to uncover vulnerabilities that the automated tools used exclusively by many pen testers are unable to detect. Redscan’s ‘Red Teams’ also test the ability of organisations to detect simulated cyber-attacks and their susceptibility to social engineering attacks such as phishing.


ThreatDetect, Redscan’s award-winning managed threat detection and response service, combines red and blue team CSOC experts, advanced detection and deception technologies and global intelligence to hunt for, identify and eliminate cyber-attacks.

At a time when cybersecurity skills are in short supply and high demand, ThreatDetect helps organisations to enhance threat visibility and awareness, significantly reduce the time it takes to detect and respond to data breaches and support compliance with the latest regulatory standards.


About Redscan


Redscan is an award-winning provider of managed security services, specialising in threat detection and integrated response.

Possessing a deep knowledge of offensive security, Redscan’s experts are among the most qualified in the industry, working as an extension of clients’ in-house resources to expose and address vulnerabilities plus swiftly identify and shut down breaches. Services offered include: CREST accredited Penetration Testing, Red Teaming and Managed Detection & Response.

By understanding how attackers operate, leveraging cutting-edge threat intelligence, and offering highly acclaimed service, Redscan’s cyber security professionals can be trusted to provide the insight and support needed to successfully mitigate information security risk and achieve compliance standards.

The choice of industry leaders, Redscan is commitment to providing the highest levels of service and support and received the accolade of Best Customer Service at the SC Awards Europe 2018.