Cyber Threat Intelligence | Redscan
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Extracting security insight from raw threat data

Sourcing, aggregating and analysing the latest cyber threat intelligence can be complex, time-consuming and resource-intensive. Redscan’s security operations centre team of analysts, engineers and researchers are highly experienced working with threat intelligence from a range of sources and drawing actionable insight from it to improve the security of our clients.


Sources of threat intelligence

Redscan labs research
Offensive security assessments
Open source feeds (OSINT)
Commercial threat feeds
Social media intelligence (SOCMINT)
The dark web


The value of cyberoffensive intelligence

Threat intelligence from Redscan Labs and offensive security engagements conducted by our red team means that our security experts are always led by a deep level of cyberoffensive intelligence. Staying-up-to-date with the latest tactics and techniques of adversaries ensures that we are better placed to defend our clients against them.

Offensive security intelligence helps our teams to improve their awareness of the latest security vulnerabilities, detect attacks earlier in the kill chain, and respond to incidents more swiftly and effectively.


How we apply threat intelligence to better protect your business

Redscan’s SOC team use the latest external and in-house intelligence to:

  • Enhance situational awareness and decision-making
  • Conduct proactive threat detection
  • Improve alert analysis and triage procedures
  • Automate incident response actions

CyberOps incident displayed on desktop and mobile


Supplying actionable security insight and intelligence through one unified platform

CyberOps, Redscan’s proprietary Threat Management Platform, is the virtual interface between our Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) and customers of our managed security services. CyberOps’ alert correlation and enrichment engine harnesses the latest threat intelligence to add greater context to security alerts and help better distinguish genuine incidents from false positives.

Redscan Labs

Enhanced threat visibility with Redscan Labs

Redscan Labs is a specialist division within Redscan’s cyber security operations centre (CSOC). By closely monitoring the security landscape to identify new indicators of compromise (IOCs) and the latest tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors, our in-house team of researchers ensure that our red and blue security teams are always guided by the highest quality cyber threat intelligence.

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Two Redscan team members analysing cyber security intelligence

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From the blog
From the blog Case studies Latest news
Active ransomware groups increase by 56% in 2024
The number of active ransomware gangs soared by 56% in 2024, according to a new report.
Ransomware attacks expose 6.7 million records in US schools
A new report reveals that ransomware attacks on US schools and colleges have soared, with 491 incidents recorded since 2018, affecting over 8000 educational institutions.  
A third of organisations hit by SaaS data breaches
Almost a third (31%) of global organisations were impacted by a breach of data in their SaaS applications last year, according to a new report.  
High-risk cloud exposures soar as a result of rapid service growth
A new report has revealed that the introduction of over 300 new services each month is contributing to nearly 32% of high or critical cloud exposures in organisations.