Cyber Security Services Australia | Redscan AU
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Managed Detection and Response

ThreatDetect MDR

Kroll Responder

Kroll Responder is an award-winning Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service providing the advanced capabilities your business needs to hunt for, detect and respond swiftly to evolving cyber security threats across networks and endpoints.

Offensive Security Services

Redscan’s offensive security assessment services are designed to uncover vulnerabilities across your organisation, validate the effectiveness of security controls and processes, and provide the support and advice required to address security risks.

A range of security assessment services

Penetration Testing

As a CREST-accredited penetration testing company, trust our high-quality pen testing engagements to identify and address security vulnerabilities in your networks, infrastructure, and applications.

Web Application Testing

Our web application penetration testing services can be commissioned to assess the security of websites and applications developed in-house or by third-party vendors.

Red Teaming

With an intelligence-led Red Team Operation, test your organisation’s preparedness to prevent, detect and respond to a targeted cyber-attack simulation.

Social Engineering

Assess the ability of your organisation’s systems and personnel to detect and respond to a real-life email phishing exercise.

Breach and Attack Simulation

Enhance cyber resilience with trackable and repeatable breach and attack simulations customised to your environment.

Scenario-Based testing

Scenario-based security assessments mirror common adversarial tactics to help assess the effectiveness of your security operations.

Ransomware Preparedness Assessment

Reduce the potential harm of ransomware attacks by examining your defences against 14 crucial security areas.

Vulnerability Assessment

With our vulnerability assessment service, you can better understand and manage your organisation’s cyber security risks by receiving help to identify, classify and mitigate them.

Advisory Services

Call on the assistance of a global team of experts to help you tackle your most pressing security and regulatory challenges.

Picture of computer, clipboard and people

Cyber Policy Review

Ensure your cyber security policy keeps pace with the rapidly changing cyber threat landscape through independent security policy review and design services.

Cyber Security Due Diligence

Independent cyber due diligence support for better-informed mergers and acquisitions, to identify security risks and quantify remediation costs before or after a transaction.

Supply Chain Due Diligence

Expertise and technology to protect your organisation against supply chain security risks through multidirectional due diligence insights.

Compliance Advisory

Rely on us to reduce the complexity of meeting your compliance responsibilities and help you demonstrate you are taking action to protect your business, customers, stakeholders and partners.

Virtual CISO

Get independent support and advice to improve your organisation’s cyber security by calling on a highly-qualified and experienced security professional as and when required.

DPO Services

Stay compliant with regulatory mandates like GDPR, DPA and HIPAA  by enlisting the support of an outsourced Data Protection Officer.

Dark Web Monitoring

Identify stolen credentials and brand exposures, protect customer data, keep up with attacker tradecraft and maintain your business’s reputation with dark web monitoring.

Incident Response Services

Unrivaled DFIR support through the entire incident lifecycle.

people standing in a circle working

Cyber Security Incident Response

24/7 support to help manage and improve your team’s response to cyber security incidents, whatever the scale.

Incident Response Planning

Incident response planning and validation from a team of experts that handles more than 3,000 cyber incidents every year.

Breach Notification

Take strategic and informed action to respond and communicate quickly and effectively to data breaches and credit or identify theft.

Digital Forensics

Call on a global team of digital forensics experts to establish the who, what, when and why of a breach.

Litigation Support

A one stop shop for all aspects of a security dispute, from collection and analysis to implementation and expert witness support.

Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering

Strategic support to help protect your organisation against the evolving malware threat.

Managed Security Services

Whether you are looking to invest in new security technologies to better protect your organisation or need assistance managing and monitoring existing systems, Redscan’s extensive security expertise and knowledge of how to get the most from the latest tools means we are best placed to support your needs. Discover our range of managed security services.

A person choosing from a range of Managed Security Services

Managed SIEM

Our Managed Security Information and Event Management service enhances threat visibility and supplies the experts required to analyse, triage and help respond to security alerts.

Managed EDR

Enhance visibility of attacks with a Managed Endpoint Detection and Response service that integrates the latest EDR technology and leading threat hunters.

Managed Vulnerability Scanning

A Managed Vulnerability Scanning service enables you to keep up with the latest security risks by continuously identifying and helping to address a wide range of exposures.

Managed Behavioural Monitoring

Get more from the latest machine learning and behavioural monitoring technology by commissioning our experts to manage, optimise and monitor it for you.

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